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Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011, 14:12

Brauche eure Ansicht!


i'm writing from Russia, sorry for english) my german is not so good to express everything

i want just need your help

i'm writing an essay for one competition and need some information from foreign youth


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Travelamiga« (16. Januar 2011, 14:28)


Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011, 14:21


i'm writing an essay for one competition and need some information from foreign youth

As we can never know, who will benefit from answers to surveys and as it happens frequently, that data of "private" internet surveys in reality are used in a commercial way, we don't allow this kind of surveys in our private website. Especially not, if it's the first post of a new member and if we have the impression, that this survey is spammed by copy & paste in lots of other communities, too.

Therefore this thread will be closed and parts of the text deleted.

Thanks for your understanding!